Saturday, November 08, 2008

linky time

My hubby is still in the states, and will be coming home for a short pass this week. We haven't told the kids, as he wants to totally surprise them. Luckily, they only have half days Thurs and Fri, so they'll get a large amount of time with him.

This homecoming is bittersweet for several reasons. It will be nice to see him, touch him, kiss him. But it will be for such a short time. And the kids seem to be settling in, and this will restart that process for them. And it's not for good. But I am trying to make it a relatively stress free, normal time for him. We may even start the house decorating outdoors for Christmas.

He's posted two poems he found and enjoyed over on his site. Stop by and say hi. He doesn't get to post often, but I know he would enjoy a visit from you.

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