Monday, June 30, 2008

Quirky Fun Monday

Lisa's Chaos is our hostess this week and she has an interesting topic for us.

A quirk is defined as a peculiarity of action, behavior, or personality; mannerism. We are all unique individuals, having quirks that help make us who we are. I would like to know what your quirks are. Confess to one, confess to ten, you decide. Just come back Monday ready to spill the beans, the rest of the world may look at you like you are from Mars, but you‘re among friends here. We won’t laugh, in fact that eccentricity just may endear you to us more.

Hmmm, Let's see.

One of my quirks is that I can't drink water unless it is extremely cold. Mostly ice in a cup, or bottled water straight from the fridge. Once it isn't so cold, I don't want it anymore.

And actually, that's pretty much any beverage. Even on the rare occassions I want coffee, it's usually a half cup of coffee, some cream and sugar, and then cold water. I'm also not fond of soup. Warm liquids make me unless I'm freezing, I don't want them.

Be sure to check out all the Fun Monday Quirkiness!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Vacation, Day 1

Today is our first day of vacation. We haven't done much, laundry and cleaning and preparing. Why does it always seem like so much left to do the day before you go? We aren't in any hurry to get there tomorrow, as a matter of fact we can't get there until the afternoon, but it just still seems like a lot.

I'll be posting a lot of pics only this week...we're looking forward to a very easy week.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

what a long day

We had a military function today...what a long day. Tonight I'm hanging out with my hubby...just him and me. I'm looking forward to the down time. That's all I have.

Friday, June 27, 2008


YAY!!!! Although I have a military function tomorrow, I am on vacation starting tonight. It was a long day getting everything done before I left, but all in all I felt I got it all in. I've sent the boy off with relatives, Bug is off to visit her mother for the summer, and PB is camping with girl scouts. Woot! I'm off to cuddle with DDS. Night all!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Spoiled for Summer

I've had a hectic, not so good day. And I came home to find an adorable box of goodies from my swap buddy! I was so excited to see what the box held.

And wow, was I spoiled. Perfect things for me! There's 2 big beach towels, a cute little bag, some sticky notes, a neat bracelet and ring, a keychain hand sanitizer, some Sharpie marker, cute scissors, and two cute cards.
Thanks Bethany! I love it all! I hope you've received yours!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


That's what I feel like today. Perhaps it's the too many stresses at work while trying to get it all done at home. Maybe it's the Monster woke me up at 5 am to tell me had an accident, which required me to wash him up and change him...luckily just him, not the bed. Since I knew I had to be up in 45 minutes anyway, I went for a walk. It felt good, the temp was perfect and it was (relatively) quiet. But now, I'm tired. And I'm craving ice cream. I'm not hungry, but I'm tired and stress and I want it. So I'm going to pass it up, and go to bed soon.

Wish me luck with the willpower.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Fun Monday, Those things you can't throw away!

Hula Girl is our host this week...and if my internet will continue to cooperate, I'll try and post!

Welcome to this week's Fun Monday. It's my first time hosting, so if I screw this up please let me know so I can fix it. My assignment for you this week was to show us those pieces of clothing you just can't part with, whether you wear them or not. It might be your grandma's vintage wedding dress, a jacket from high school, a t-shirt from an old boyfriend or those jeans you hope to get back into some day. It could be anything. Most of us have something like that we can't seem to throw away. Here are my items and below that are the links for everyone participating in Fun Monday. If I've left someone out, give me a shout. Check out everyone's website and enjoy.......and thanks for participating! If anyone wants to host next week, please let me know.

My first item isn't actually clothing, it's an item. My mom bought me this really cute cat lamp when I was pre-teen ish aged, and I still have the ceramic cat head. The lamp died, and I thought I had gotten rid of the cat, but apparently not. Hehe.

I actually just cleaned out my closet before I saw the topic, but I'll share the few things I did get rid of, and the few I didn't.

I had several tour shirts for Garth's first tour...just got rid of those. Had a wonderful blackwatch plaid flannel shirt that I LOVED, but I finally got rid of that.

I do still have a black suit that I will fit into again some day. I'll probably end up getting rid of it after I fit into it again, but I want to wear it at least once again. My wedding dress still hangs in the basement. I don't know why. I don't expect PB to wear it and it's not doing much of anything but hanging in the way. Perhaps it has to do with the lack of wedding photos. Someday, I'll have to tell you all my wedding story.

Sorry, no pics tonight. Having too much trouble with the internet. Maybe tomorrow if it's better.

Happy Fun Monday!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Saturday, June 21, 2008

I've started to handle time like my husband

What I thought would take an hour or so took me ADD contagious?

I cleaned out my closet and took all my winter stuff out, put all my summer away, got rid of those things I don't wear. I refused to turn on the AC, so it was hot. I still have a pile of clothes to try on and determine if I'm going to wear them or not. Wow, that was a lot of work.

While I was enclosed in my closet (hot stuffy, yuck) my DH came home and scared the crap out of me. I knew there was a possibility he would be home, but didn't hear him pull up or come in. I was very happy to see him though. Then we went to get the kids from my MIL, and they were going crazy. They about knocked him and the easy chair A nice swim, then home and dinner and bed. It was a good end to the day.

Friday, June 20, 2008

What a long week

I'm off to spend time with my mom after dropping the kiddos off at my MIL's. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

My beautiful set of wings.

Every night before I go to bed, I check on my babies. They have their iPods connected to little cat speakers to fall asleep with music. Last night, when I went to check on Monster, Tim McGraw's Last Dollar was playing. And listening to the chorus while watching him sleep, I was struck by the meaning of those words.

"123, like a bird I sing, cause you've given me the most beautiful set of wings.
I'm so glad you're here today, cause tomorrow I might have to fly away."

Enjoy today, and the gifts that our loved ones give us. My children and husband have brought so many good things to my life. They've made me a more confident person, given me a better appreciation of the many blessings I have. Monster has taught me to use my imagination, and PB has helped me find my patience. They've all taught me to be silly, and enjoy every day, because tomorrow, I might have to fly away.

I hope you all have a chance to sing on this Love Thursday.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

No electric

Right before I posted that last night...the electric went out. Thank goodness for auto save. Unfortunately, once power came on, I forgot to come back and actually publish it, so there it is for you now.

Since there wasn't much else I could do, I went out on the front porch and enjoyed the night. It wasn't quite full dark yet, but it was late enough that most people were in for the night. The temperature was in the low 70's and a slight breeze was blowing. It was beautiful. Very little sounds, no artificial light...perfect. We sit out on our porch or in our hammock many nights during nice weather. Our front yard draws you in, makes you comfortable. It has a very cozy cottage feel to it. When the power came on after 15-20 minutes, I was amazed at how much artificial light there was. Each house has a small yard post light that is hardwired and comes on in the dark automatically. It bathes the development in nice light, better than large security or roadside lights, and provides some security against thieves. But it is still artificial light. Sitting there in the oncoming darkness, I felt peaceful. I thanked God for my beautiful house, my (relatively) healthy children, my wonderful home, and my many blessings.

Then I came in and turned on Hell's Kitchen. It annoys me, but I have to see who gets voted off every week because I really can't stand any of them.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Have you ever watched this show? Ninja Warrior has become a staple in our house. As it says on the wikipedia page:

Sasuke is a Japanese sports entertainment television special where 100 competitors attempt to complete four obstacle course stages. An edited version, Ninja Warrior, is screened in the United States by G4 and in the United Kingdom by Challenge.

Everyone in our family enjoys this show. Characters are remembered, my son sits still, it's a big thing. They are broadcast in Japanese with subtitles, and the commentators are funny to listen to even though you don't understand what they are saying. The obstacles are challenging...they test not just strength, but agility and balance as well. And as we've watched the same challengers come back again and again, my kids are learning a lesson in perseverence and hard work. The amount of time these athletes train is amazing...some build model courses in their own yards to work out on.

What's the number one thing my son has learned from Ninja Warrior? How to spider walk on my hall walls.

Monday, June 16, 2008

A house is made of Walls and Beams;

A home is made with love and dreams.

Walls. That's the topic Jan from the Prytz Family Blog has assigned us for this Fun Monday post.

My walls are starting to talk about our family. They tell people that we love color. Someday, I hope they tell the story of the things we enjoy by the items we hang. Unfortunately, until there is color, I am not inspired to hang. And I'm very picky about what I hang, so they are scarce at this moment.

My dining room is granny smith apple green. I love this looks so clean with the wood and white trim. My kitchen is a pale orange...very tuscan feeling. It was so hard to find a color that looked good with the light wood cabinets and dark green counter top. The cabinet and counters were updated just a few years before we bought the house, so we've left it for now. It's grown on me once we got the color on the walls. My hallway is still white, but will be mocha soon, and my living room is still white, but it will be Deep red eventually. Those walls have to be sanded before they can be painted...and I'm not ready for that mess yet.

Upstairs, my daughters room really reflect them. Bugs is Bikini Bottom Blue and Atomic Vomit Green. Sounds bad, but it sure does work with her hawaiin monkey decor. Posters adorn her walls. PBs room is half pink (think just a touch brighter than pepto bismol) and turquoise. She would prefer some green now, but I'm not ready to paint again in there. Her bedding is in bright colors with butterflies, and shelves and pictures adorn her walls all around. The Monsters room was already done in gray with a nascar border, but will be getting redone in the near future. At this time, he says he wants an Army room...we'll see. And my's a beautiful blue with a darker blue stripe at the top. It's very relaxing. There isn't much hanging, but those are coming...I have projects in my mind to finish it off.

What do your walls say?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

This is always a sort of non-event for our family. DDS is always away for Annual Training on Father's Day. It's a fight we've given up. So we'll celebrate when he returns. In the mean time, the kidlins and I went to a beach where we could wade in the tidepools left behind during low tide. It was beautiful, and we had a blast. Now I'm off to mow the lawn. How fatherlike is that?

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The ants go marching

We have ants. We've had ants since the first spring we lived in this house. In the scheme of pests and bugs, ants are low on the ick factor. I get that. But they really become a nuisance fast.

The first spring, DDS and I tried everything we could think of and buy to get rid of those ants. We finally called an exterminator, and although we were $100 poorer, there were no more ants. It was good. I've happily doled out that $100 every 3 months since if it meant no more ants. However, this year is a bumper crop year for them. The spray didn't work. The poor district manager probably sees my phone number(s) and screams. They are everywhere. For a while, they were in our room. We finally got rid of them from there, then they were in our den. They left there and went to our kitchen. WWIII has broken out now. The DM is at my house at least once a week, placing organic powder around my kitchen, and non-organic spray in our yard. Anything to make these things go away. I've scrubbed my cabinets and my appliances, and I'm done with it. They need to go. The other night I watched the ants traipse through the poison, and I chanted "die, die little ants, die" at them. I have nightmares about ants now. Every little whisper across my skin makes me shiver and look for ants to push off. I'm tired of them.

Friday, June 13, 2008

No sleep till...

I'm so tired. This week has been a non-stop, and I'm ready to get off the ride. I just have to get through tomorrow morning, and's mine. Glorious time with no time constraints. Just spending it however I want. YAY! I have a lot to share, so maybe I'll get some blog posts up this weekend!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I'm loving these!

I found a really cute tea towel the other day at Target, so I decided to find something to make out of it for Bug. Quickly it hit me...a tote bag. So I perused several other stores and found a cute towel for PB as well...and ended up making a matching one for her friend.

A little monkey business on this one for Bug.

And pretty turquoise and green butterflies for PB.

Of course, then I had to figure out something for the Monster...and a tote bag, it's not so manly. So I found some of his daddy's ACU material and threw together a little drawstring bag for him.

They were all a big hit. I'm seriously considering starting an Etsy shop with bags. I've re-discovered my love of bags, and in that, my ability and love for creating them.

Happy Love Thursday.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Having a baby, revisted

Last night I agreed to babysit for a friends little boy. These little sweet potato just turned a year old and is the sweetest, cutest little thing. I love babysitting for him for so many reasons, the main one being that he provides my baby fix for me. And truly, I love kids. Especially those that I can send home when they get too annoying.

So little sweet potato went with me to a meeting. A meeting that was held in a room with very little air conditioning, in 100 degree heat. Yep, that was a fun meeting. Thankfully they cut it short. Then him and PB and Monster and I went out to dinner. He really wanted nothing to do with food...just water. I can't say I blame him. I hate eating when it's hot outside, too. However, when dessert arrived (it was one of those included with the meal things) and I gave him a little taste of whipped cream...boy licked his lips and opened his mouth wide for more. He just cracked me up. My two heathens attacked that dessert like they were ravenous wolves...large clumps of cake, ice cream and whipped cream were devoured quickly. I did make then slow down, but dang it was funny for a minute.

Monster is very funny whenever I babysit for sweet potato. He's very polite, and not very demonstrative of his jealousy, but it's there. When you ask him to hand you something that the baby dropped, he politely says, no, not right now. When you ask if he wants to play with him, No thank you. And when it's time for him to go, he waves and says good bye, loud and clear. He is my baby, and he knows it. Unfortunately, he isn't a baby anymore, and that makes me a little sad. Soon enough, he isn't going to be my little boy anymore either. I'm really going to miss these times.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Day one, then two, then three...

Bethany Actually wrote this post a while ago about the first day of her husbands trip (which he's returned from. YAY Troy!) It really resonated with me. That first day is usually one of the worst. Things start breaking, ants try to take over your house, children act out, it becomes 100 degrees out of the blue. And you are frustrated, but you laugh, cause you knew this would happen.

Yesterday wasn't day one. Friday/Saturday was day one (he went to work Friday, and left from there, which makes the whole thing a little anti climatic, if you know what I mean.) But Friday night, a light wouldn't work, and my sewing machine was slow, and my kids had dinner a my moms, so I couldn't decide what to eat. Saturday was hot, and another light quit working. Sunday was the great ant invasion (a story for another day) and the stress of knowing I really needed to get some work done. Monday was the continuation of the ant invasion, cell phone towers going out, cable going down, and my office being a sauna. None of these things could have been prevented or predicted (well, except the's early summer, so my office will be a sauna. In two weeks I'll probably be And over the course of the last 11 years with my husband, I've learned to let go and have faith.

After we had been married for several years, we fell into a very difficult financial situation (again, another story for another time). DDS left to go to Germany for a short TDY...he wasn't active duty at this time, and was actually unemployed. The day after he left, my car started to die and or septic alarm went off. I had $125 in my checking account to last me for a week, no credit cards, and no savings account. I knew that the alternator in my car needed to be changed...but I wasn't able to handle it. I said a prayer as I traveled into work that day. I asked among my co-workers for suggestions for a cheap on the side mechanic that would be willing to work with me on payment, and found a person willing to do it for a case of beer. I called the septic people and agreed to meet them that afternoon (requiring me to take off work and travel the 45 minutes round trip home and back) and as I walked out the door, I said to my boss "hopefully it will be something simple they can fix for $50 or less." And after watching the man stick a long metal rod into the wet septic opening to catch the wire that had a short (nope, no scary moments there) I happily wrote him the $50 check and said a prayer of thanks.

I've had many more situations since those days. I've always taken care of myself, been one of those people that just sort of plowed through and moved on. I think this is an important trait for a military wife. You have to have a strong sense of self-worth. You have to know that you can handle anything that life throws at you. That doesn't mean that I don't stomp my feet and cry and scream at times. But, once my temper tantrum or moping fit is done, I pull myself up and start solving the problem. It is harder when he isn't here. He is my rock, my shelter, and my support.

The last paragraph in Bethany's post really hit home for me.

"I’ve spent over a thousand nights apart from my husband, thanks to the Navy
and to my own travels, and I know I will be fine. I think Annalie will be
fine too, because of who she is and because I am who I am.
It’s just the first day."
And then it's the second, and then the third, and before we know it, it's over, and he's home.

Monday, June 09, 2008

A walk down memory lane

Molly from Return of the White Robin is our Fun Monday host this week. The assignment is to tell about a happy memory from your childhood. If you have pictures, please show us your pictures.

Hmmm. A happy memory. I actually have quite a few fond and happy memories from childhood.

I spent a month every summer with my paternal grandparents, and it was a carefree month of playing in the "crick," catching crawdads from under the rocks. At night I caught lady bugs in a jar. I slept as late as I wanted, and I helped my grandfather cook a huge breakfast every night. Almost every desire was met. It was heaven for a child. Hearing the "Wheel of Fortune" and "Jeopardy" theme songs takes me back to those was against the policy to miss those shows each night.

My maternal grandfather used to come home from work and let me climb all over him, combing his hair and stealing a sly sip from his beer every once in a while. I was the light in his life, and he had no qualms in allowing me to know it.

But my favorite one time memory was when Santa came to visit me. Late one night close to Christmas, I was awakened from a sound sleep by someone bellowing my name and lots of "ho, ho, ho's" from our kitchen. I rolled over, and there in my doorway was Santa, complete with a big bag of toys. I was awed. I don't remember what present he gave me to open that night. I just remember feeling so very special. Several years later, I learned that it was my uncle. He had decided to dress up and visit. My cousins were in the doorway the whole time giggling (they were quite a few years older than me) and I never even noticed them. I only had eyes for Santa. To this day, it's one of my best childhood memories.

Be sure to visit all the other Fun Monday participants!

Sunday, June 08, 2008

The ants are still marching

I'm so sick of ants. Bug and I have been battling them in the kitchen all day long. That's frustrating all alone...there were things I wanted to get done today that I didn't because we were battling. But considering that I have been paying my hard earned money to a company to get rid of and keep away these pests...let's just say I'm a tad bit on the frustrated side. Someone from that company has been here almost weekly lately, and still they're taking over. What I don't understand is why they were able to so quickly and easily remove them for the last two years, but this year they can't. At this point, I've refused to pay for this quarters service. When you've accomplished your part of the bargain, then I'll pay. And it's actually time for the next quarterly payment. They better not think they're going to bill me for that one.

I'm off to bed. Hopefully I won't dream of ants tonight.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

I think summer has arrived

And wow it was with a vengeance. We've been living with window's open and the whole house fan running for the last month or so. This morning at 7:30, it was already so extremely hot and humid I had to break down and turn on the air. Total Suckage. But, I was handling a neighborhood yard sale (which was also high on the total suckage scale...more in a bit on that) and the moms (mine and his) were handling the soccer game duties. All outside activities that require exertion. So on it went, and it was worth it this afternoon.

This was our neighborhood yard sale. We've done two or three of these before and have always had decent success. Not today. There was probably a third of the amount of people that usually come through, and if we hadn't managed to sell a large entertainment center that we've been trying to get rid of, it would have been a total waste of time. But you just never know.

The heat is zapping, my children are sunburned (yes, they used sunscreen a lot...I wasn't there to monitor) and exhausted. Tomorrow is going to be church and then stay home, inside, and veg out for a bit.

Friday, June 06, 2008


Several years ago, my husband purchased or won a cool CD...WOW 2000. It was a compilation of Christian Rock/Pop songs, and I totally enjoyed it (still do.)

There's a new compilation CD out of Christian Rock/Pop artists, and Rocks in My Dryer is hosting an awesome giveaway over on her blog. Not only will 20 people get the new WOW1 CD (, but they'll get a CD from each of the artists showcased. That's a lot of CD's. I'm off to post my name now!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

The best day in life (I'm totally bragging on my girls here)

Today was the last day of school and my girls have had it good. The last day is always a half day here, so there's that from the get go.

PB had her awards ceremony this morning. Apparently the school sent home the schedule last week and I missed it, and so we weren't last night what time it was this morning. Before bed, I broke the news that no one would be there. She was disappointed. My mom called the school this morning, found out what time, and booked it over there so she could be present. PB received Honor roll for the year and Citizenship, which entitled her to a water ice coupon (she ended up with 2 actually) and a Chick-Fil-A coupon. And here I will totally gloat on my child. She received straight A's and Outstandings in all her subjects for the year. Yay PB! Once school was out, she went to the Youth Center and hung out with her friends doing fun activities and listening to the music.

(Side of the staff members is a DJ on the side, so sometimes when they have half days or whole days off, he sets up the sound equipment in the gym and pumps the tunes through the whole building. They love it. Yesterday, I watched a little girl bumping her hips from side to side as she walked down the hall. They can't resist that

Next we went to get her brother from "school" and as we were leaving she found a four leaf clover. When Daddy got home, we agreed that we should almost frame that report card, and he pointed out that her report card said AOOOAOOOAOOOAOOO which had a nice sound too it. That became the mantra for the rest of the night.

Bug (who lately should be drama queen) has also done awesome this year. She has had straight A's for her entire FRESHMAN year. We haven't received her report card yet, but she basically had to show up, write her name and answer a few questions off each of her finals in order to have an A in the class. Yesterday was her math final, which is her favorite subject. Her math teacher came over in the middle of the period (after she had turned her test in) and informed her that she had an A for the entire year before he even finished grading the multiple choice. The child could almost fail the test and still get an A. She was also given a task to handle before school yesterday morning, and she did it and did it well. I'm so very proud of her for that.

I love my girls, and I'm darned proud of them right now.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Out of the mouth

Here are some of my recent favorites.

The Monster is asking me about my earrings. How do I get them in ear, how did my ear get the hole in it, how does the earring go through the hole....etc. Finally, he curls up next to me and says "I sure am glad I'm not a lady."

The other night, he gladly announced that he could tell us all about it, in French, in wahhili and, and, and, even in English. (I believe it's meant to be's the joke when they aren't listening that we were speaking in Swahili, not English).

He was having a discussion with his father the other day. Daddy asked him what he was doing, and he told him he was training his dragon. Daddy asks for what. "I'm training him to be Army Strong Daddy!" I'm sure my husband had a tear in his eye for that one.

PB announced today "Monster gave me a wet willy on my arm." I pointed out that wet willies were only in your ear.

Monday, June 02, 2008

I made it!

Karisma is our wonderful Fun Monday Host this week, and she has a long task for us...
I think the title pretty much says it all, but for those of you who may still be wondering, I would like to see or hear about things you have made with your own two hands (or feet, Im not fussy!) We all have different talents and abilities, maybe you like to sew or knit, chisel or sculpt, draw or paint? Whatever your talent is, please share it with us this week.
Da Rules.....
Well there are not any really! But you know, we all know that you made your kids so lets NOT choose them this time. (After all you did not make them with your hands or feet did you?)
And for those of you who are freaking out because you make "everything" with your hands, how about you just choose a few of your favourites!)
Those of you who are freaking out because "You never make things with your hands". Get off your lazy butt and make something! You have four get to it! (You could always bake a cake!) The possibilities are endless!

I've posted some items that I've made before. I'm always making things. I have a top secret item that I've just begun. I'm actually thinking about getting some items together in the next few weeks and starting an Etsy store. If I sell stuff, I can buy more craft stuff and make more things.

This weekend I "made" some flower arrangements on my porch.

Small post with flowers

My Mom made the potty seat. It was my idea to make it a flower pot though.

I'll have pictures in a few days o my newest creation. That's all I ca say about it right now.

Go visit all the Fun Monday participants.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

The sleep of the unfairly persecuted

Imagine you are a 5 year old boy. You've watered the flowers, played on the slip and slide, gone flower and grocery shopping and inhaled a small Strawberry Water Ice. Now it's early afternoon, and your mother is trying to get you to lay down. You cajole, you whine, you offer bribes (I'll let you give me kisses if I don't have to take a, silly boy, I will just take my kisses!). Finally, the tired mother gives in and says you can go play quietly in your room for a while, not watch TV. This is total justification to throw your Imaginext castle across your room, stomp your feet and scream, isn't it? I mean, she's being unreasonable to then place you on your bed and tell you to stay there and not get up, right? Am I right?

Now imagine you are a 9 year old girl, and that same mom comes in to tell you the same bad tv right now. You are totally within your rights to throw yourself on the bed and sob your heart out. TV is totally that important. And when your mom gently suggests that maybe your bed really is the best place for you to be for a while, you should loudly yell several no's at her retreating figure.

And when she comes up 5 minutes later to check on you both, and you are sound asleep, it isn't because she was right and you were tired. Oh no, it's just that life without TV is so boring you have nothing better to do than sleep.