Tuesday, August 05, 2008

I'll Trade You

The SmockLady has created a new swap group over at Flickr called I'll Trade You. This is a bit different as it is a swap for our children. Children of any age can swap, and it is a private group. This means you have to request to join and then be accepted. You sign the kids up, Smock Lady

The first swap was for books. I entered only PB and the Monster, since Bug wasn't going to be back in time. I took them shopping and we purchased a book and activity book for each of their partners, and they will be going out in the mail Tomorrow.

PB received her book a week or two ago, but I didn't let her open it until today. She would have been allowed to open it last week, but she didn't do what I asked her to do for her swap buddy, and then she was leaving to go camping and wouldn't appreciate it. So, on the counter it's sat. It was a beautiful little package, covered in stickers.

When she opened it today, wow! What a great pair of books, and a sweet little fairy bookmark to match. PB's little swap partner did a great job. (I don't want to post names here, but I will link to her mama...thanks FrazzledMama!)

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