Sunday, April 19, 2009

Vacation...of a sorts

My hubby was home for his two weeks of mid-tour leave, and left today to begin his journey back to Iraq.  We packed those two weeks with a lot of fun, and I have a lot to write about over the next few days.  We went to Washington, DC twice and met the Vice President once.  We went to New York and saw Wicked on Broadway.  We rode the motorcyle and finished projects in Monster's room.  We snuggled and laughed and talked and held hands.  It was almost like he hadn't been gone.

But tonight, I'm just trying to focus on getting through, and starting the second half of this deployment.  Of course we know we can handle it...we've been handling it for the past six months just fine.  But the next few weeks is going to be tough for us all.  We have to relocate that groove, and not focus on how much longer we have to get through.

So come back over the next few days and hear about the excitement!

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