Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Miscellany, migraine edition.

MommyWizdom was hosting this week's Fun Monday, and I had every itention of participating, until the migraine from hades ripped my Monday away.  Maybe next week I'll enjoy a Fun Monday.

So speaking of migraines, I haven't had one in about a year.  But Monday I had one.  And this morning I started down the path to one a soon as I stepped foot in work.  I left and 30 minutes and 3 ibuprofens later I was fine.  I think I may be allergic to my office. 

Have you seen this site yet?  Oh my goodness.  Honey, we might want to make sure Monster never has access to the computer without one of us present.  This could push him right over the edge to the criminal.

It was a long day.  I returned to shredding after a week's hiatus.  I needed that week...Mother Nature is not nice, and last week was proof of that.

That's it.  I'm sore and tired and going to bed.  And dreaming of not getting a migraine tomorrow.

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