Thursday, May 21, 2009

Moving forward, keeping in touch with our lives.

After yesterday's post, I'm feeling like a survivor.  It's late Thursday night, and we managed to get to everything we were supposed to with everything we needed.  Tomorrow I board a bus with PB to head over to DC again for her field trip.  I'm really looking forward to the day spent with her and her two best friends.  Then home to start the LONG WEEKEND.  Yay.

I started taking the kids to pick strawberries a few years ago, and two years ago I made a batch of jam.  Last year we had to make 4 batches of jam and freeze some berries.  This has grown crazily.  My mother, mother-in-law, sister-in-law and the kids all want to come over and help.  The problem is we're making so much, it's expensive, and we struggle to get through them all!  But I'll do it still, because this has become a family tradition.  My kids will talk about this when they are older, telling their kids about it, perhaps doing it with them. 

I love traditions, and I'm glad we have some that aren't tied to holidays.  We celebrate our house-iversary with the same meal we had as our first real family dinner.  We tlak about our house and why we are happy to live here.  I feel that these are the memories that will serve them as they grow older.

So now I'm off to do a litle shredding, then head to bed.  Tommorrow is a busy day!


Mariposa said...

I hear yah! I also love family traditions...and value them so much!

Hope you'll have a great time...

I was checking my old Fun Monday! post and was making always feel good to visit old blogger friends. ;)

BeachMama said...

I can't believe your strawberries are up already. Can I share with you that I loved making strawberry jam both with my Aunt in Delaware as a child and with my Mom. They both make it differently but equally as yummy. Those memories are with me always and nothing can take that time I spent with each of them away. Keep it up, even if it means you are giving jars of jam for gifts, the memories that you have with your kids will last well beyond the jam.