Wednesday, January 31, 2007

And they lived happily ever after!

There's been lots of postings in the blog world about how people met their significant others. Which is sort of funny, as that was one of the first things I put on my list of blog topics to consider. So I guess I need to tell this story.

I attended college in the midwest. I was dating a Masters student from the East coast when I graduated. I accepted a job in a town a couple of hours away and it sucked. After 2 months of very little sleep, long boring work hours, and no end in sight, I quit. My boyfriend finished his thesis a month later, and I decided to pack up my stuff and move back to the East coast with him. At this time, my mother lived in the state I had attended college in, and my father lived in a state neighboring the boyfriends parents. The plan was to stay with my BF's parents until he found his new job, and then I would begin my Master's at the closest college. After a year of menial part time jobs for me, and (finally) a job for him doing what I could do with my BS, I had enough of living in limbo with his highly dysfunctional family (they threw knives at each other during arguments...seriously), I decided it was time to get the hell out. I made plans to move in with my father while I took stock and figured out what to do. The BF gave me an ultimatum that if I moved out, he was done...I figured it was a good thing to continue moving out. Not long after moving in with my dad and finding a temporary job, I went to my nephew's birthday party (around Thanksgiving).

We have this little kids play place the Chuckee place, but less video games and bigger play areas...and no scary mice. Our room host knew my nephews mom. He was cute, but had a ring and mentioned his daughter. He thought I was cute (I found this out later) but I had a ring and was holding a baby (my niece). Enter the cupids (my ex-SIL and Stepmother). They managed to exchange our phone numbers and let us both know that the other was actually single. He called me that night, and we talked for a long time. I explained that I didn't really want a boyfriend, as I had no intention of staying here for long. He had just finalized his divorce and wasn't looking for anything other than a friend. We went out to dinner and a movie, and then I met his daughter, and she spent a lot of time with me and my nephew. We continued doing things together, and sort of became a couple. We went out Valentine's Day, and that evening (after midnight) he proposed, and I said yes. We were married that Oct, had our PB the following Sept. And so far, we've lived happily ever after!

1 comment:

Ms. Skywalker said...

So buttery sweet that if it weren't written by one of my favorite bloggers, I'd probably gag. Congrats to both of you, and happy valentines day. (Us singles typically don't acknowledge that date, but I do so without grudge.)