Thursday, January 11, 2007


Well, I've managed to go to the gym 2 nights this week...woohoo, double last week! I had a crazy bad headache today, and still forced myself to go. Hopefully a routine will set in by the end of this month and it won't be so bad.

I've had a hard day. January is already a hard month for me, but the last few days have really taken their toll even more than usual. Crawling into bed and pulling the covers over my head permanently doesn't sound like such a bad idea. But I'm still moving along, trying to fight it off with a good diet, exercise, and looking for the good things. I have to say, reading other people's blogs is such a good way to relieve some stress.

Apparently this is Delurkers week or something to that effect. So if you are here, leave me a comment! I thrive on them. Maybe they will make me feel better. And really, I'll find my groove soon. I promise.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for the comment! I'm going to try my best to make a little Me-Time now and then. I too have been feeling the desire to stay in bed and pull the covers over my head. At work we have hit the ground running since the holiday (we sorta, kinda jogged through the holidays... didn't slow down too much, really) and things have been super crazy. Plus, still getting settled in to new house and establishing new routines to streamline mornings & evenings. Ahhhhh.... life is good, huh?

Ms. Skywalker said...

When I'm searching for my groove, I often find it in the song "I Love the Nightlife". Of course, it must be sung very loud and while consuming margaritas.

Bea said...

Hey, I'm a big fan of de-lurkers week so - hello!

luckyzmom said...

I am proud of you for forcing yourself to go. Keep up the good work.