Thursday, November 15, 2012

BHBC - My Life Map

This time, BlogHer gave us another unique book to review.  My Life Map is a journal, but not just any journal.  It's a journal designed to make you review your life, and to determine your future.  It's a book you need to write in, and think about.  

One of the things I appreciated about this books approach was that it made you also look at where you've been, not just where you want to go.  We need to stop and think about the things that have led us where we are and how those events can help us move forward.  Looking back isn't always easy, but this book helped by providing some guidance and tools for doing so.

This book is nice because it can be used by anyone of any age.  It's also nice because it can be revisited, and changed, at any time.  

I'm happy that I had the opportunity to review this book, and I'm hoping to spend some more time with my journal.

This is a paid review for BlogHer Book Club but the opinions expressed are my own.

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