Sunday, October 02, 2011

31 days, day 2 - The house is still standing

My husband was away with cub scouts this weekend, working on his Woodbadge training.  The dog has been having stomach issues for the last few nights, which means much cleaning of feces.  Tonight, the Monster stopped up the toilet, and decided to flush it twice to try and make it unstop.  Needless to say, water and feces went everywhere.  Bug and I are sick of cleaning up poop.

But I cleaned it up, the dog is on a strict water only diet until tomorrow to try and clean out his system, and the house is still standing.  My husband came home and we had a yummy dinner with much laughing and chatting.  All in all, not a bad day.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Love it! :) The house is still standing -- always a blessing! :)

I blog at 'Only a Breath', and I'd love for you to stop by if you have time! I'm writing about "31 Days to Love Your Neighbor" (and trying to figure it out myself) :)

Have a great day!