Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Things I'm currently enjoying...

Wow, where do the days go? I have a half dozen posts started, but don't seem to be getting them done. Argh.

That said, here a few things I've found that I love...

Ryan at Pacing the Panic Room did a cool maternity series when his wife Cole was pregnant...and now he has a new one going for a client.  I love this whole concept in general, but the walk along the street adds something even cooler to it.  I enjoy his other writing as well!

Amanda at Soule Mama.  The beauty and simplicity of her photos...wow.

Moleskine notebooks and the blog related to all things Moleskine.  I love that they have "hacks" and displays of so many cool uses.  I hacked one of mine into a calendar and I'm actually keeping up with it.  I love them, love them, love them.

What are you enjoying?

1 comment:

Presley Harper said...

Great post thank youu