Thursday, September 27, 2007

Love Languages

I found this at OMSH. It's amazing how accurate it describes me. Now I want my husband to take it...I want to see how close my opinion is to his actual results.
I feel loved when...

The Five Love Languages

My Primary Love Language is Acts of Service

My Detailed Results:
Acts of Service: 9
Quality Time: 8
Physical Touch: 7
Receiving Gifts: 3
Words of Affirmation: 3

Thursday, September 06, 2007

The sound of silence

I know, that's what you're hearing around here. It just isn't there. I've been feeling a little peckish lately, and just not up to writing. I sit down to think about blogging, get to reading others...and nothing. That's it. So....maybe soon. We'll see.

Hubby is almost as good as new. Still sore in a few places, but basically okay.