Monday, May 19, 2008

Fun Monday

Yay, I actually got signed up for it!

Mariposa is our hostess this week, and the subject is...

Collections... We all have them...and if you don't, you just may not realize it. For some reason or another we all collect something and we collect it for reasons that will definitely make for good reading. So on Monday, I want to see your collection. If you don't have or don't want or CAN'T (wink) show us a picture, then tell us what the collection is in 10 words or less. Then tell us why you started collecting it.

Hmm, collections. Well, I collect sewing and crafting stuff. Way too much of it, but it's useful. I also collect hobbies. I have so many interests, and I can never resist getting involved. It makes me have a lot of undone projects. I also seem to collect books, but I try not to keep most of those after I read them. Let's think. Hubby and I have also been collecting DIY magazines. There's all kinds of info in them that we know will be useful someday. I'm hoping to organize them and create a sort of index system, but that's somewhere down the road.

I don't really have many other collections. In the last few years, I've developed a streamlined outlook and don't keep a lot of "stuff" around.

Make sure you visit all the other Fun Monday participants.


Sayre said...

I do collect books and can't seem to pare it down. I also have a couple of boxes of sewing and crafty stuff but I don't really go into it often.

Jo Beaufoix said...

I find it hard to pass my books on. I just love owning them. Weird. Your collections all sound fun and useful. Great. :D

ChrisB said...

I find it hard to give books away (I've just realised jo has made a similar comment so snap!) But then we do have far too much stuff in our house!

Rachel said...

I have ton of books too!

IamwhoIam said...

So how may project have you started? I tend to get a start but the finish is long time coming.

Alison said...

I can't pass up books...I love them...I also have craft supplies, but I think that relates to the fact that I am a girl scout leader!!

Pamela said...

you sound like my hubby -- not the sewing.. but rather the interests. I swear he has been an expert at everything at one time or another.

Mariposa said...

So you love art and art works...I was so you years back, then my job took my life...LOL I mean that life.

Thanks for playing!